Union Railway Minister DVSadananda Gowda's son Karthik Gowda, who was engaged to a girl at Kushal Nagar on Wednesday, faces arrest as the Bangalore City Police registered cases of rape, abduction and cheating against him.
"We booked Karthik Gowda under IPCSections 376 (rape) and 420 (cheating) after a small time actor Maithreyi Gowda lodged a complaint accusing him of having raped her besides cheating," said a senior police officer.
Maithreyi Gowda was sent to Ambedkar Medical College for Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) Test. If the test result is proved to be positive, then Karthik will also be subjected for VDRL Test which will confirm if the two had physical relationship, said a police officer.
The police are expected to arrest Gowda soon, which is mandatory as per the revised law, said the police. She referred Karthik as her husband in the complaint.
Maithreyi approached the RTNagar police along with her advocate Akash and lodged a three-page complaint. She claimed in the complaint that one of her friends, Kushal, introduced Karthik to her at a Coffee Day at Sanjayanagar on May 8, 2014. Later, they became friends and started an affair. They got married at his residence in Mangalore on June 5, 2014, she claimed.
Karthik assured Maithreyi of marrying her and entered into a physical relationship.He cheated her later by distancing himself and getting engaged to another girl, she claimed.
Akash said they included every minute detail in the complaint."We have stated the places these two visited, how they met each other, became friends and how he misled her and raped her.
We have also mentioned the subsequent developments at later stages, how he managed to change Maithreyi's mind and how he made her fall to his intentions and how she chose the wrong path due to his pressures," he said.
" Though he did not indulge in physical abduction, he misled her by claiming that he would marry her and failed to keep up his promise. Misleading and using a person for a specific agenda also amounts to abduction," Akash justified.
Maithreyi claimed that she trusted him fully as he was possessive of her.He claimed that his parents were fond of him and he would convince them about their relationship. He claimed that he did not like any girl even as his parents were searching for an alliance, she added.
"He tied the sacred thread at his residence in Mangalore which is the only proof of wedding. We did not register the wedding as I married him purely based on trust. He wanted to have physical relationship with me.I could not resist his pressure, agreed for it only after the wedding," she claimed.
Maithreyi said she felt like committing suicide after meeting his mother on August 11. His mother said she would never approve of the wedding as it was purely done by Karthik and Maithreyi.The wedding was invalid as no elders ever approved it, Maithreyi claimed.
Reacting to the development, Karthik Gowda claimed to be innocent and said, "I am busy with myself and my work and not aware of anything."
source Deccan Herald - News http://ift.tt/1tLpK1l
"We booked Karthik Gowda under IPCSections 376 (rape) and 420 (cheating) after a small time actor Maithreyi Gowda lodged a complaint accusing him of having raped her besides cheating," said a senior police officer.
Maithreyi Gowda was sent to Ambedkar Medical College for Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) Test. If the test result is proved to be positive, then Karthik will also be subjected for VDRL Test which will confirm if the two had physical relationship, said a police officer.
The police are expected to arrest Gowda soon, which is mandatory as per the revised law, said the police. She referred Karthik as her husband in the complaint.
Maithreyi approached the RTNagar police along with her advocate Akash and lodged a three-page complaint. She claimed in the complaint that one of her friends, Kushal, introduced Karthik to her at a Coffee Day at Sanjayanagar on May 8, 2014. Later, they became friends and started an affair. They got married at his residence in Mangalore on June 5, 2014, she claimed.
Karthik assured Maithreyi of marrying her and entered into a physical relationship.He cheated her later by distancing himself and getting engaged to another girl, she claimed.
Akash said they included every minute detail in the complaint."We have stated the places these two visited, how they met each other, became friends and how he misled her and raped her.
We have also mentioned the subsequent developments at later stages, how he managed to change Maithreyi's mind and how he made her fall to his intentions and how she chose the wrong path due to his pressures," he said.
" Though he did not indulge in physical abduction, he misled her by claiming that he would marry her and failed to keep up his promise. Misleading and using a person for a specific agenda also amounts to abduction," Akash justified.
Maithreyi claimed that she trusted him fully as he was possessive of her.He claimed that his parents were fond of him and he would convince them about their relationship. He claimed that he did not like any girl even as his parents were searching for an alliance, she added.
"He tied the sacred thread at his residence in Mangalore which is the only proof of wedding. We did not register the wedding as I married him purely based on trust. He wanted to have physical relationship with me.I could not resist his pressure, agreed for it only after the wedding," she claimed.
Maithreyi said she felt like committing suicide after meeting his mother on August 11. His mother said she would never approve of the wedding as it was purely done by Karthik and Maithreyi.The wedding was invalid as no elders ever approved it, Maithreyi claimed.
Reacting to the development, Karthik Gowda claimed to be innocent and said, "I am busy with myself and my work and not aware of anything."
source Deccan Herald - News http://ift.tt/1tLpK1l
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