Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalitha reached the Naganathapura junction, off Hosur Road, at 10.30 am on Saturday waving victory sign at her supporters. Around 15,000 supporters cheered and wished her luck. However, the joy faded when news about the her conviction came out in the afternoon.Jayalalitha landed at HAL airport at 9.45 am and headed straight to the court at Gandhi Bhavan situated opposite Bangalore Central Prisons at Parappana Agrahara on Hosur Road. The City police had made arrangements for her brief stay at Hotel Leela Palace on Old Airport Road. However, the convoy with Z-plus
source Deccan Herald - TOP STORIES RSS FEEDS http://ift.tt/1rtYNQ2
source Deccan Herald - TOP STORIES RSS FEEDS http://ift.tt/1rtYNQ2
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